Last update: 24.05.2022
Below a list of all DXCC countries that I've been able to reach with my 200 mW WSPR signals. I've started WSPRing with my 200 mW QRP Labs U3S standalone WSPR transmitter in the late winter of 2017 (on and off, not continuously), and so far I've reached 79 DXCC countries with it. I've been WSPRing on 80, 40, 30, and the 20m band, using various antennas including a 10/20/40 HyEndFed wire antenna, a 30m dipole, and a homebrew magnetic loop (indoor in the attic) for 80 through 30m. During the Es season of 2018 I've also done some WSPRing on 6m, also with the U3S, and an indoor dipole in the attic. I was rewarded for this and was spotted in Morocco, my 70th WSPR DXCC reached with ≤ 200 mW! I've done some occasional WSPRing with 5 Watts, but the results of these sessions are omitted here. I've been inspired to make this personal WSPR DXCC list by fellow ham, WSPR enthusiast and blogger PE4BAS.
The order of callsign prefixes and the entity names are as listed in the DX World Guide by Franz Langner DJ9ZB (see "My DXCCs").
All DXCC entities below reached with 200 mW WSPR (or less):
4L - Georgia (new)
4X, 4Z - Israel
5B, C4, P3 - Cyprus
5N - Nigeria (new)
8Q - Maldives
9A - Croatia
9H - Malta
9K - Kuwait
9L - Sierra Leone
CE9, KC4... - Antarctica
CN - Morocco
CT - Portugal
CU, CT8 - Azores
DA-DR - Fed. Rep. of Germany
E7 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
EA-EH - Spain
EA6-EH6 - Balearic Islands
EA8-EH8 - Canary Islands
EI-EJ - Ireland
ER - Moldova (new)
ES - Estonia
EU-EW - Belarus
F - France
FR - Reunion Island
FY - French Guiana
G, GX, M, 2E - England
GI, GN, MI, 2I - Northern Ireland
GJ, GH, MJ, 2J - Jersey
GM, GS, MM, 2M - Scotland
GU, GP, MU, 2U - Guernsey
GW, GC, MW, 2W - Wales
HA, HG - Hungary
HB - Switzerland
HO-HP - Panama (new)
I - Italy
IS0, IM0 - Sardinia
JW - Svalbard
K, W, N, AA-AK - United States of America
KH6, 7 - Hawaii
KL, AL, NL, WL - Alaska
KP3, 4 - Puerto Rico
LA-LN - Norway
LO-LW - Argentina
LX - Luxembourg
LY - Lithuania
LZ - Bulgaria
OE - Austria
OF-OI - Finland
OH0 - Aland Islands
OK-OL - Czech Republic
OM - Slovak Republic
ON-OT - Belgium
OU-OW, OZ, 5P - Denmark
OY - Faroe Islands
PA-PI - Netherlands
PJ2 - Curacao
PP-PY - Brazil
S5 - Slovenia
SA-SM, 7S, 8S - Sweden
SN-SR - Poland
SV-SZ, J4 - Greece
SV9, J49 - Crete
TA-TC - Turkey
TF - Iceland
TI, TE - Costa Rica
TK - Corsica
UA-UI1, 3, 4, 6, RA-RZ - European Russia
UA2, RA2 - Kaliningrad
UA8-UI8, 9, 0, RA-RZ - Asiatic Russia
UR-UZ, EM-EO - Ukraine
V5 - Namibia (new)
VE-VG, VO, VY - Canada
VK, AX - Australia
VP9 - Bermuda
YL - Latvia
YO-YR - Romania
YT-YU - Serbia
ZC4 - UK Sov. Base Areas on Cyprus
ZR-ZU - South Africa
My WSPR DXCCs (79)
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